Bamboo Remediation

Bamboo Remediation
Bamboo grows both tall and wide at a rapid pace. In fact, it’s not uncommon for invasive bamboo to grow up to three to five feet per year!
The reason this plant grows so well is because of its root system. Bamboo’s roots, also called rhizomes, spread deep and wide underground, allowing the plant to come back even after you remove it on the surface level. To permanently get rid of this plant, you must remove the rhizomes. We have the knowledge and experience to help you do just that!
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Did your neighbor’s plant bamboo 15 years ago and now it’s creeping into your beautiful yard? Did you install bamboo thinking it would stay in place, but now it’s covering 75% of your property? Or are you looking to keep your bamboo contained to provide privacy while you’re swimming in your pool? If you’ve asked yourself any of those questions, take a minute and check out the video of the bamboo remediation process.

The video above will give you an in-depth look into how bamboo can be removed and contained! If you want to keep a section of bamboo for privacy, we can excavate down to install a thick bamboo barrier, so it stays in place and doesn’t spread into unwanted areas. If you want to remove all the bamboo and never see it again, we can remove every last rhizome and properly dispose of them, so they aren’t a problem any more. Either way, give us a call and we can educate you and assess the situation, because every property is different and we would love to help!
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