Case Studies

Bamboo Removal

The homeowners called Bates Landscaping for the removal of their bamboo. The bamboo was spreading from a neighboring property, and although they enjoyed it, it was crowding into the lawn space.


Chester County, PA

Budget Range:

$11,000 – $13,000

Project Description:

The homeowners called Bates Landscaping for the removal of their bamboo. The bamboo was spreading from a neighboring property, and although they enjoyed it, it was crowding into the lawn space.

We recommended the complete removal of the bamboo, by cutting down all the shoots first. Then we brought in equipment to dig out and remove all the rhizomes (roots of the bamboo). We hauled all of the roots away and disposed of them properly. Then we used different equipment to create a final grade to match the remainder of the property.

A barrier is typically suggested because the bamboo remains on the neighboring properties, but this homeowner opted to simply maintain it with regular mowing, if it creeps back under the fence.

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